Riviera Retreat in Paradise Valley

This grand Paradise Valley Estate has automation everywhere but you can’t see most of it. All systems integrated into the home including all TV’s, audio in every room, Climate, Lighting and Security available to control from any remote, Touchpanel, iPhone, iPad’s and PC in the house.



Fully integrated security system including proximity detection, closed
circuit TV system with access on all TV’s through system. Courtyard gate access
control system and a doorbell that not only plays the customers preferred sound
but will pause whatever you’re watching and change the TV to monitor the


Audio Video Systems

Centralized equipment and video distribution system so all sources
including cable, boxes, BluRay, Digital media and audio is available on any TV
in the house and sounds plays through the speakers in the walls and ceiling.
Great Room has a 55” LED on a motorized mount that sits perfectly flush into
the stone when off and a tilts out into the viewing area when turned on.


Climate Control

When walking through the hallways there are no thermostats or clutter on
the walls cause the thermostats are all hidden away in the equipment closet and
there are centrally located concealed temperature sensors.

We also integrated the customers wine cellar into the notification system with temperature sensors so  they always know if the temperature gets to high for their wine collection.

Lighitng Controls

Lighting control is prevalent in most common areas of the home’s
interior and exterior including the all the landscape lights. Integration
allows convenient features like never entering a dark hallway or even you
driveway when you pull up.